Aug 28, 2010

Yes, You Can!

If you want to be in a different place, you must believe and do things differently.  ~Dave Ramsey

Where are you?

Look around at your life, relationships, work experience, habits, attitude, and how you prioritize your life. Seriously. Look around at it. Stop reading and think… where am I?

If you don’t like where you are, you need to get somewhere else before you can become the person you wish to be.

The dreaded C words again. Change. Choice. Here they come…

If you don’t like what is happening in your life, you cannot change other people but you CAN change yourself. You can’t change how others treat you, but you CAN change whether you choose to be around them or not. You can’t change your relationships overnight, but you CAN change them a step at a time, a moment at a time, a choice at a time. You CAN change where you are through making small steps.

Tiny steps will get you somewhere just the same as leaping and bounding, and you’ll have more energy for the journey and a better track record with others and yourself by utilizing this method.

There are times where leaps and bounds are appropriate, even necessary. Times when we MUST change something drastically, quickly, or the consequences of NOT doing so will be too detrimental.

Where do you need to take leaps and bounds in your life?

Where do you need to take tiny steps?

Both will get you where you need to go… somewhere different than the circumstances you are currently in… but wisdom and grace are needed to help you know which type of step to take.

If someone’s life is in danger, or their relationship in jeopardy… if there needs to be a major attitude adjustment in order to keep a roof over your head or to keep the bills paid… these are times when we should be leaping, bounding, sprinting toward a new place.

If we are trying to lose a few pounds, get into a new habit, become a better person in some way, small steps are what will help us get where we are going. Small steps insure that we are less likely to backtrack, to go backward, to misstep and twist the proverbial ankle.

Where do you need to take leaps and bounds?

Where do you need to take tiny steps?

Take them accordingly, and you’ll get closer to your goals, dreams, and visions. Dave Ramsey is right: “If you want to be in a different place, you must believe and do things differently.” By staying in the same place; by believing the same paradigms; by keeping all the same habits; by remaining static you will never get where God wants you to go.

There are times to stand and wait for God to move… but sometimes it is GOD waiting on US to make the moves we must  that will help Him to make the moves He needs to make in conjunction with us. It is time to upset some of our paradigms. It is time to shake things up a bit. Time to do what God says we can do and has shown us we can do even when we think we can’t. Time to say, OK GOD, I trust you. He’s telling you, “You can do it. Yes you can!”

Ask Him what kind of steps He wants you to take. He will guide you if you allow Him to… and pretty soon, you’ll realize you have moved.

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