Aug 31, 2010

Of Caterpillars and Butterflies

Its a few days early, but I got a birthday card in the mail today. It was from an aunt and uncle I love very much.  And on that card, homemade with love, and lovely, is a quote that I think is fabulous! Another JEWEL of a quote…

What the caterpillar calls the end of the world, the Master calls a butterfly.  ~Richard Bach

Think about that! It’s a perspective thing…

We don’t always know or understand the transformation God is bringing into our lives, or into our beings, and sometimes we think it’s all over when it isn’t. God has your back when you have His love in your heart and you trust Him. He will never forsake you or forget you’re here on planet earth. We are called to rise, to soar, to come from the cocoon a beautiful butterfly, and like the butterfly, our time here is short. Like the butterfly, we are beautiful and unique. Like the butterfly is provided for by God, so are we. And like the butterfly, we have a purpose. We are called into being by God, our Heavenly Father, a Father Who knows us before we are born or even conceived. We are called to this life… what we choose to do with the time He calls us to flit around down here is up to us. It is our decision to make.

We are to be like a butterfly… but we are first as a caterpillar. Faith in Him transforms us. HE transforms us into His image, into the image of Jesus Christ, when we allow Him to. Just as a butterfly cannot be helped along in its fight out of the cocoon or it will not survive, God doesn’t force us into faith, into trials we can’t handle but He calls us to fight to live. To live in Him. To become TRULY ALIVE. To fly and share our beauty and minister where He calls us.

We are butterflies of the Master of the Universe. We are His people. His loved ones. His children. We are called into flight, to soar, to flit, to go where we are called.

Some butterflies travel miles, while others remain in a small area. Like these creatures of beauty, people are sometimes called to stay in one general area or to flit around the world as they bless and minister to others and fulfill their callings.

Be God’s butterfly, my friend! Be beautiful. God called you to it, and He will bring you through it all… masterfully.

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