Aug 28, 2010

Before You Get a Second Opinion...

Before you get a second opinion, make sure you have a first one. 
~ T.D. Jakes

Tell me… what’s your opinion?

Your opinion on Who God Is…

Your opinion on who YOU are…

Your opinion on what is right, on what is wrong, on what is just, on what is unjust…

Tell me… what’s your opinion?

Your opinion on your own decisions…

Your opinion on what you believe about the government…

Your opinion on the next step you should take in your life…

Your opinion on who should or shouldn’t be in your life…

Your opinion on what music to listen to, books to read, people to lunch with…

What’s your opinion?

T.D. Jakes reminds us that it is before… not after… we get someone else’s opinion on a matter, we should have our own. Of course, it’s good to have God’s opinion weigh in on ours, for those of us who believe in Him, but seriously… what’s YOUR opinion? Where do YOU stand?

There are times we are tempted to look for outside opinions before voicing our own, or before making a decision. Times when we don’t want to look like we’re different from the crowd around us… but is it really all that bad being unique?

Our opinion is one of the ways we can show we are unique… that we aren’t part of the crowd, faceless, nameless, opinionless, just going with the flow of everyone else’s thoughts and words.

There are times where everyone goes with the flow of an opinion and nobody even likes the opinion… but because everyone else is doing it, or they think so, then they will join in. Nobody wants to see or talk about the proverbial pink elephant in the room.

But now… now is the time to stand out and be the star that you are. Share your OWN opinion without fear that others won’t like it. What’s the worst that can happen? They don’t like your opinion. So what?

If I had a nickel for every time I had a different opinion someone else didn’t like, I’d have a lot more money right now… but at the same time, if I had to pay a nickel for every time I went along with the crowd’s opinion just because I was afraid of what they might say, where would I be? I don’t think I’d tie and break even, but I wouldn’t be in nickel debt, either…

What is your opinion?

What is YOUR opinion?

WHAT is your opinion?

What is your OPINION?

Until you know your own opinion, what’s the use of finding someone else’s? For all you know, they are placating you or others, trying to bump up their image in someone’s eyes rather than being authentic themselves.

When we can honestly share our opinions and not fear the response or reactions of others, we are being authentic. It is a step toward authenticity.

On the other hand, we don’t need to disparage others’ opinions or lack thereof, either. They have a choice to make. You have a choice to make. Make sure your choice is really YOUR choice.

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