Oct 4, 2012

Coaching in the Dark

Sometimes we have dark days, weeks, months, even years in our lives. While something like therapy or counseling is sometimes a great help, depending on what is going on, life or relationship coaching can also be an asset to someone who senses things are changing in ways they perceive are not conducive to their well being.

We can't change other people; we can't change every circumstance of life, but what we can change is how we interrelate with those around us, our words, actions, and attitudes. We can chose the higher road in the midst of the storm; the positive in the negative field around us. And having a coach can help in that process.

Coaching is about getting from where we are in life to where we need or want to be, to the extent that we do the work. Like a stagecoach of old that carried passengers from one place to another, a coach helps their client find who they really are, what they really want and need, and do so without judgment. While there are similarities to counseling, cheerleading, mentoring, and a lot of other means of communication, coaching utilizes a special set of skills to help create the best possible atmosphere for client learning, growth, and gain of potential. Coaching can help us become more authentically who we are and help us realize things about ourselves we otherwise might not.

So whether life these days is bright or dark, coaching can be beneficial to an overall better life. As a Christian coach, there is no fear of the dark because Christ is the Light that can be brought to any situation, any relationship, any decision.

Jul 12, 2012

Rack Up the RAKs!

It's time to RAK today!

How often do we spread Random Acts of Kindness? Do we share RAK as often as we could? And what is our intent when we share them?

I challenge you today... to rack up the RAKs! How many can you rack up in a week, from the heart?

When I took my Ethics class with Dr. Williams a few years ago, we did an exercise that has stuck with me. We carried around an invisible "clicker," and whenever we said, thought, or acted out of love toward someone, we clicked, and counted them up through the day. The CATCH was that whenever an act, thought, or word was NOT from love, the counter went back to zero on the clicker we were invisibly utilizing.

I still do this exercise today... I aim to do so at least once a quarter to help monitor my attitude and how I am interacting with others, even when they aren't aware of it. And while this might not be an exercise for everyone, it is an interesting concept.

Clicker or not, I challenge you... to spread RAKs this today... this weekend... or even for a week.

Notice how others respond; notice their body language and the way they interact as you interact kindly, from the heart, with them. What's different from your everyday interaction? Do any areas of your life, or relationships, get better? How have they improved? How could they continue to improve?

Jun 6, 2012

Hire a Coach, Discover a Better Life!

Treasure your life. Discover your potential. Walk the path of transformation. Become your best you!TM
Kura Kimanna Coaching can help you in a number of areas of life!

Do you need clarification and resolution in one or more areas of your life? Harmony Courtney of Kura Kimanna Coaching can help!

Time Management
Self Image and Esteem
Prophetic Artistry
Creativity (consulting also available)

E-mail me today to set up a free consultation session for the Saturday of your choice! Pricing, time frames, and method of communication also available via e-mail

Send e-mail to WriteHarmony@yahoo.com with the words KURA KIMANNA in the subject line and three questions you have about coaching in the textbox. Thank you!

*Contracts available for 3, 6, and 12 months, as well as in-person weekend intensives for groups of 2-5 people.

May 19, 2012

Habakkuk's Plea- Lesson Learned

Have you ever gotten to the place in your life where you just knew it was time to cry out to God, more than ever before? Been to the brink and beyond, feeling you've fallen off the cliff, or that someone you love has done so, and knew it was TIME... time to intercede for someone. It was TIME... to intervene on behalf of those who don't understand the fulness of what they are going through, or are doing with their lives?

This is the first part of the story of Habakkuk. The beginning of his vision recorded in the self-same titled book of the Bible. God reveals to him a vision. He tells him, watch what I will do!

Habakkuk is fed up. He's tired. He's desperate. He knows things MUST CHANGE and that only GOD can change the situation! Read the whole book to gain the perspective of the story, and what God does... it's not very long, and it will teach you quite a bit. :)

God is the God of the Breakthrough. He is the God of Provision. He is the one true God, and He will hear you when you call on Him!

Habakkuk 1 New Living Translation (NLT)

This is the message that the prophet Habakkuk received in a vision.
How long, O Lord, must I call for help?
    But you do not listen!
“Violence is everywhere!” I cry,
    but you do not come to save.
Must I forever see these evil deeds?
    Why must I watch all this misery?
Wherever I look,
    I see destruction and violence.
I am surrounded by people
    who love to argue and fight.
The law has become paralyzed,
    and there is no justice in the courts.
The wicked far outnumber the righteous,
    so that justice has become perverted.
The Lord replied,
“Look around at the nations;
    look and be amazed!
For I am doing something in your own day,
    something you wouldn’t believe
    even if someone told you about it.

God showed Habakkuk what He was wanting to do; He was showing him how Israel would be affected, and about the other nations who would affect them. God was there to show Habakkuk that while it might seem that everything is lost, it isn't. God is in control!! 

No matter what has happened in your life; in the lives of the people around you, in your town, city, state, country... GOD is in control. No matter what it looks like... feels like... sounds like... smells like... God IS in control! Trust, and keep trusting. Ask Him to show you what He wants you to know and understand. Be obedient, to the best of your ability, asking the Holy Spirit to come along side you and be with and guide you... allow His angels to minister to you... and KEEP MOVING FORWARD!

May 16, 2012


Si deve conoscere la verità e la verità vi sarà liberi.
ותדע את האמת, ולהגדיר האמת יהיה לך חינם.
You shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free.

Jesus once said, You shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free.
He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life; the Light, the Rock of our Salvation, Living Love Divine, our Peace, the Alpha and Omega, Beginning and End.

Truth is a PERSON.
Truth is a WAY to WALK, a PATH to take.
Truth... is not the same as fact. Something can be a fact and not be truth; it cannot ever be truth without being factual on some level.

Some people speak of "personal truths" - what works for you doesn't work for me because it's "your" truth, but not mine. But deep down, we know that isn't true. That's a cop out. It's saying, I know what's right but for me, this is what I choose to do so I will call it truth. Isn't it?

Tell me the truth. Don't just give me dry facts.

Give me truth.
Jesus is TRUTH.
Give me Jesus.

I challenge you, reader, to distinguish TRUTH from fact... Not just fact from fiction. And one way to find truth is to look deep into the recesses of who you are... past what others think of you. Past what others say about you or what you perceive they want you to be. Past your past... past your present. Look until you see who you were created to be: created as a child of the one and only Living God. Created for great things. Created to know TRUTH. Created for beauty, for good, for love. Created for relationship. Created for God's good pleasure as His child. YOU, dear reader... have the opportunity to KNOW and LOVE the Creator of the universe, the One Who put you here on planet earth for SUCH A TIME AS THIS. There is a reason for you being here. For being now. For being where you are today. Behind EVERYTHING is a reason. And that reason is LOVE.

Apr 21, 2012

Many Changes, Many Blessings...

God has been doing many amazing things in my life, and in the world. Those who are here reading this for the coaching benefit will be blessed, I believe, in the coming weeks and months as He has been revealing so much that I want to share with you. I will unfold it prayerfully and in the best way I sense to do so, that each reader will receive the fullest benefit from the teachings, the insights, and the ponderments that will come...

Dear reader, I have NOT forgotten you. I have just been on hiatus from this particular blog to work some on other areas of life so that I may best interact with you while I am here! Be blessed!!

Feb 10, 2012

Mi Valentine

Almost Valentine's Day, and while I'm not looking for one this year and have had 3 offers, I'm going to allow the reader to be my Valentine, instead...

Valentine's Day was named after a saint who, it is told, loved the daughter of the king but was sentenced to die because of his faith in Jesus Christ. He wrote a letter and asked the guard to give it to her upon his death... THAT is love in one word picture that is poserful!

Jesus' sacrifice on the CROSS... that was another, even more potent and powerful word picture of love... real love... in action.

In other words... there is love, and there is LOVE. And both are wonderful, in their own ways. :) So, however you celebrate, and whomever you celebrate with... have a wonderful Valentine's Day, Mi Valentine...

Sending love to the special people in my life...

All photos on this post courtesy of WeHeartIt.com

Feb 1, 2012

Welcome, February!

It's officially February, and I welcome it. January was a month of many changes and challenges, which bring growth, even when its difficult.

February brings thoughts of love and joy to those who welcome them, embrace them, allow them into their lives. While it is good to share these with others year-round, day in and day out, there's something about Valentine's Day that brings the romantic out in some people, which is great.

February is also Black History Month, which helps us remember the importance of learning, not from ANY biased viewpoint, but from wide sources and to then allow it to sift through us and teach us all we are open to gaining new understandings from.

At church, there'll be the Souper Bowl on Super Bowl day... a chili and soup potluck of sorts that raises funds for the youth group and brings a lot of smiles.

Who knows what else is in store for the month? Take time to plan some fun, some growing time, some time to be one on one with God and with loved ones. Plan to be blessed, and to bless!

Jan 11, 2012

Create, Believe, Grow

Happy belated New Year to everyone!

I'm still here, just having some major life changes right now... tough ones, but for the better.

Blogger Chris Brogan has utilized the idea of using three KEY WORDS to concentrate on rather than using resolutions for the year, and I am totally down with that idea. For the year 2010, mine are:


These words can guide me through the year as a compass, and if you're someone who resolutions aren't too easy for, this key word idea might be helpful for you... or perhaps you like the resolutions but also the idea of key words... themes for the year.

What would YOUR three words be for 2012?