Sep 28, 2010

What a Wonderful World

Take a moment to listen to What a Wonderful World, by Louis Armstrong... or read the lyrics, and you'll hear about his viewpoint in life.

There are so many times we look at the sour side of life. But when will we learn to see that the world, despite all its issues, really is wonderful? God made it that way.

Sep 27, 2010

What is Celebrity?

What is celebrity?

Is it having your name in lights or broadcast to and fro?

Not really.

Celebrity is a responsibility and it is a gift.

We all have talents and gifting, don’t we? Well, those who are of celebrity “status” have been given a broader responsibility with how they manage theirs.

I must admit that while I see and hear a lot about how uncouthly some celebrities act and treat people, everyone I know or have met who might be considered in this category is pretty down to earth. Most I have met are very authentic, which is part of why they are where they are in their careers and lives. God trusted them with “celebrity” and they have, for the most part, done a good job with that celebrity. They are not pulling fast ones on the public or on the people in their lives; they are real and they keep it real.

The amount of notoriety someone gets in life means nothing other than that their gifting got more recognition; it doesn’t mean that someone is better or worse or different: it means they were trusted by God with their talent on a different level and that His purpose for their lives is different than for others. No two people are alike, and the plans God has for us all are unique. For some of us this will lead to celebrity on some level; for others of us, not so much. All are loved equally by God and given the responsibility He knows we can handle.

All of us have a different plan to walk into with our lives.

All of us have responsibilities in different areas and seasons of our lives. It isn’t always God’s trust in us to endure a disease or to endure celebrity status or anything else formulaic… it is all part of a larger plan and we are all here right now for a special and wonderful purpose.

You, reader, have a wonderfully unique purpose.

Find your passion and you will become more understanding of that purpose.

Pray that God will lead you into a better understanding of your authentic self as HE imagined you and created you to be. What does HIS vision for your life look like?

What you learn from this might surprise you.

Sep 23, 2010

You Are His Glittering Gold

You are the gold glittering before God's eyes; His treasure. There is no treasure like you on earth or in heaven like you, for you have been made unique in His sight. You are more than just gold: you are made in His image, and He sent His Son to die for you so you might live.

If we are to open our eyes to the things God sees, we open them to the reality that every human life - regardless of what choices were made from or regarding it - is worth something to God. From Hitler to Mother Teresa, from St. Francis of Assisi to Gandhi to Ward Weaver, we were all made with a purpose. Some chose to fulfill them; others didn't. That is part of our free will.

What we do with our lives, ultimately, is up to us. The choices we make fall on us. The better our choices, the better the outcome in the end. And God is hoping we make those better choices for our own sakes, because He DOES love us so dearly. He loves us with the most costly love there is... and the most real.

Gold only glitters more and more as it is refined. If you allow your life to be refined through the process of fire we all go through instead of fighting it, you will glitter more at the end than you can imagine.

We are gifts from God to one another and gifts back to God of ourselves. What kind of gift do YOU want to be?

Sep 16, 2010

Your Creative Self

Even a true artist does not always produce art.   ~Carroll O'Connor

In what ways are you creative? Where does your true creativity lie? Did you know that not all creativity is related to art? Someone who is a scientist can be just as creative as Matisse or Monet was, and a tech writer as creative as a novelist. The key isn’t in what area of expertise or experimentation you utilize your imagination in, so much as if you allow yourself to let creative ideas flow through you and into what you do.

Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. Art is knowing which ones to keep.  ~Scott Adams

Sep 11, 2010

Remembering 9/11

I was on the bus when it happened and found out about it when I arrived for my scheduled Access class.

Two people from the class immediately said they were moving to Canada. Throughout our class, whenever there was a break - and we took three times the normal amount - we all went online to get whatever new details we could. A birthday was celebrated that day, but we didn't really celebrate: the food was there, but most of us could eat nothing. The couple or three who could ate most of it.

I have a certificate from that class. A certificate that I will forever associate with the falling towers and the photos of the plane in the sky. Some people said it looked like there was a demon in the smoke. Others thought it was ridiculous, there was no demon, this was just some evil people doing evil and we didn't need demonic involvement for that to happen...

Whatever your beliefs... whatever was happening in YOUR life... where were you? What was your response?
The replies I received were as follows:

Vincent Wright
09/11/2010 6:51:10 am
Hi, Courtney,
I was at home watching Today Show's Matt Lauer interview an author about a book about Howard was quite a surreal day...I have several friends who survived being in those buildings...they have truly harrowing stories to tell...even though English words keep failing to capture the full impact of that day for them...
Harmony Courtney
09/11/2010 7:06:22 am
Thanks for sharing, Vincent... feel free to pass the link along. It'd be great to hear other stories!

Even though it was 9 years ago, I'm sure for some of those friends, it is still pretty fresh this time of year. My prayers are with them, and all who were there, directly affected by this tragedy.
Eric Thompson
09/11/2010 8:28:53 am
Hey Harmony,

It was a rare morning that I didn't watch the news or turn on my tv while getting ready for work, so I didn't know for some time. I got to the school where I teach and heard a third grader talking about "we're gonna die" and I told him not to talk like that. Then I worked the first two hours in total ignorance of what most of my class, the school, the world already knew. My partner told me during our break. I didn't really understand or believe him until that afternoon, when I saw the video playing in the staff room. I must've stood in shook for ten minutes as chills ran through me. I had to go back and reassess my entire day. The a week later, I broke my ankle, so I had plenty of time to catch up on the story.
Harmony Courtney
09/11/2010 8:36:23 am
Wow, Eric...

Thanks for sharing your story, broken ankle and all! Must have been quite a shock...

You might be interested in some of the other posts here, as well, dear friend. :) Jump in and say something whenever you like. Your comments are always appreciated...

Sep 7, 2010

No Jewel Can Compare

As part of one of the online birthday cards someone sent me yesterday, there was this message: You are God's special treasure. He admires and polishes you with His loving care. No jewel can compare with the beauty He has placed inside of you. Always remember that He loves you and created you for His glory.

I must admit this was a surprise, coming from the person who sent it; it shouldn’t have been… she is part of my given family; part of my family of origin… but it was.

This is something we all need to hear, though, isn’t it? We can all use a reminder that God, in His great love and care for us as individuals, treasures us and never compares us with anyone one else in our lives. We might compare one another or compare ourselves to others, but God, in His great wisdom and love sees each of us as we are: our perfections, imperfections, our hopes, dreams, our attitudes, gratitudes, all of it.Every nuance of who we are individually, God knows about and everything wonderful about us comes from Him. We wouldn’t be here without Him, and we wouldn’t be who we are without His love, care, and “polishing.”

God wants to remind you that He treasures you far above the value we mare humans can place on anything in our lives. He wants to remind you that you are deeply, wonderfully, admiringly loved and that He will never compare you to another of His creations. You are unique. You are made especially to be to glorify Him. You are made in His image, be you male or female. Your very creation has glorified Him, and that is what you were created for: to glorify Him.

I was touched by these words more than I might have been a year ago. These words that came at a time when I am focusing on jewels within people and within quotes; jewels… things which we can cherish. People we can cherish. Jewels. Treasures from God. Jewels. Blessings. Jewels.

The words came from someone who in recent weeks has said some very hurtful things, but who has also, for the first time in my recollection, said that she was wrong about what she said; about the attitude she had toward something that was happening in my life; in the life of another loved one of mine. And at no other time have I respected her more as when she used those words “I’m sorry. I was wrong.” At no other time when she has apologized has it come across as authentically as it did that day a few weeks ago. So, at no other time do the words I quoted above mean as much. They mean more than she can ever know… the combination of these two sets of words. And I hope that one day she will read this and have some idea of their impact.

Every person is a jewel. Every person.That was what God intended: to help us see we are His precious treasures, just as His Word and He Himself are meant to be OUR precious treasures.

We don’t always act like jewels, though, do we? We forget that we are precious. That we are worth something to Someone greater than we are; Someone Who loves us no matter what, Who forgives us no matter what, Who turns things around for good for those who love and follow Him.

There are parables that speak of our jeweled-ness. The parables of the lost coin, lost sheep, and prodigal son. Parables that show just how celebrated and cared for and loved we are, individually, and how forgiving God the Father is when we come to Him and say we need Him, we love Him, we want Him in our lives, we were wrong, we have made mistakes, but that we love Him and wish to be part of His life, part of what He is doing in the world.

You are a precious jewel in the eyes of God. Nobody and nothing can compare to you in His sight. You are an original. Not a copy of anyone else in all of history. And to copy another is to say, in essence, God; I’m not so sure you made me right.

It took me a while to understand this one. I used to compare myself to others and think, why her? Why them? Sometimes this was talent I wish I had; other times, it might have been someone’s lovely hair or gorgeous eyes or their fine handwriting. But then I got to thinking… had I those things, those gifts and looks, I wouldn’t be who God made me to be anymore. Had I gone out and had surgery to aim to be someone I am not.. I wouldn’t be who God created me to be; I would be attempting to perfect a jewel that, in God’s eyes, is already beautiful and wonderfully made.

You, reader, are incomparable.

You were made with a purpose, on purpose, for the glory of God.

You were created by God and He sees you as His very precious and special gem, His treasure, His jewel.

You are perfect as you are… imperfections and all.

Are you willing to take a deeper look into your own heart and ask yourself if you believe, truly believe the love God has for you? Willing to look deep down and ask yourself if you can accept yourself as God made you?

Sep 6, 2010

The Balloon Brigade

The birthday balloon brigade got me. Early. I thought I was safe being that the apartments’ office is closed today, being a holiday, but they got me. Last night. A balloon, a card, some candy that tastes really pretty bad. A nice gesture. Very nice. Not what I wanted.

I learned growing up, whether it was the intended message or not, that my birthday wasn’t really all that special. Oh, there were birthday events with family, usually, and one or two times a friend or two were invited who showed up, but I knew reality was… when your birthday lands on a holiday some years and the first day of school other years, don’t expect much.

I’m sure I am not the only person who ever got the wrong message about their birthday. A lot of people I’ve encountered have believed the same lie I used to: that our birthdays don’t count or matter. That they’re just another day. But that isn’t the way God sees it, so why should we believe the lie?

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made. In him was life; and the life was the light of men.  ~John 1:1-4 

All things were made by God. All things came to being through the power of the Godhead. All things, including you and I. Our life is based in His life; our being in His being. Our capacities, our talents, dreams, personalities, all of it, at their core, are based in Him and were originated for GOOD. Our birthdays should be a time to celebrate the life we have been given; others’ birthdays to celebrate THEIR lives… no matter who they are to us. They are made in God’s image; we are made in His image. We are unique yet the same.

All throughout Scripture we read that God is love, that God loves us, and that He has loved us since before we were born. The Word reminds us that He knows us a lot better than we know ourselves, and loves us the way we are: made in His image. He knows everything about us in every realm of our lives and He loves us… in spite of or perhaps BECAUSE of our faults, knowing we are human. Human… made in His image. And He came down to earth and had a human birthday, just like we have them. He knows what it is like to have a day where people either celebrate you or just go on and not acknowledge or celebrate that you were born. He came to experience all that He could without sinning in the form of Jesus the Christ and that included birthdays as much as it did the Passover Festival. It included celebrating and loving them for who they were. That’s how He lived His life; His ministry shows that.

Birthdays may not have been a big deal in Jesus’ day, but likely people were at least acknowledged a bit extra on the anniversary of when God gifted the world with them; when God gifted them with birth- note I don’t say life… that had already begun months before.

Let’s imagine for a moment, though, what Mary’s birthday might have been like when Jesus was a child. This was his mother. She was the one who carried God in her very womb and birthed His Son, His very presence in the earth in human form. Jesus is five or six years old, and it is Mary’s birthday. Chores have been done and there are a few minutes alone together before the men and women separate for the evening meal. He sits at her side as she stirs the stew one last time before dishing some up for the men-folk. And in this space and time, he can tell her with his presence and possibly his words, “I love you and am so glad you were born; so glad you’re my momma; so glad the Father chose you as my momma.”

On this day, about twenty years before, Mary had been born. Had she not been born, Jesus wouldn’t have been there… not the way he was there… not in the form he was in terms of how he was cared for and taught. He would have had a different momma, been in a different home, been raised in a different family, and had a different experience here on earth.

Who are the people in your life who have touched you? Think back over the years: who has deeply been ingrained into who you are? Who has changed your world?

Granted not all who change our world do so for the better in their intent. Granted people do horrific things, even. Yet we would not be who we are without even those people; those events that have been trials and brought tribulation. So just as much as the people who have been a major blessing in our lives, there is a new paradigm I bring to you: what if we celebrate the births of those who have brought us trials, as well as blessings? We would have had a different life without them and would be a different person. God brought them into your life for a reason, and perhaps that reason was not fulfilled because they made different decisions than what God intended… but nonetheless… they were brought to us and we are better because of it. We survived what we needed to survive; we were blessed where we were meant to be blessed; we have been changed, challenged, transformed, and renewed daily. We can choose to be bitter, or can choose the better way.

So the birthday balloon brigade was not wanted because of habit, but it reminded me of Where I came from… of Who I came from, of Whose I am. It reminded me that I matter to Someone much more than I can imagine or dream of. Someone Who has always had my best in mind.

For surely I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord, plans for your welfare and not for harm, to give you a future with hope. Jer. 29:11

Sep 5, 2010

Enjoy the Future

Enjoy the future... because you're going to spend the rest of your life there.  ~Kim Clement (at the Den, Aug. 28, 2010)

What powerful truth lies in this statement from the other night?! We might live in the present now but we will always also be living and spending our lives in the future. If we are part of eternity, part of the people of God, we already live inside of the future because of His good plans.

There are two ways to look at this: on earth, and after our bodies die, our spirit lives on; our soul goes either back to God or to sheol.  God doesn’t wish any to go to sheol; to be removed from His presence… when people make that decision He doesn’t force them to love Him… but He has good in store for those who will trust and love Him…

For surely I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord, plans for your welfare and not for harm, to give you a future with hope. Jer. 29:11

God’s plans are not always what we think they will be. We sometimes wish everything was smooth, no bumps along the road, but God doesn’t work that way. Without the bumps, we can’t go through what we need to in order to grow and become all He would have us to be. Our trials are our training course for becoming better people. For becoming people of God. People of the promise in Christ.

Theodore Roethke once wrote, “I learn by going where I have to go.” Isn’t that so true? It is as true in everyday decision-making as it is in Christ… as true when it comes to relationships as learning a new skill. We have some things we need to practice more than others. We have some people in our lives that we will always learn from if we are open to it. We learn, Roethke says, by going where we need to. We learn when we allow ourselves to be open to the possibilities God has for us and by doing what we must. We learn from everything that is around us and all we experience… if we allow ourselves to.

When times are tough, this can be even more difficult than normal. There are times we don’t have eyes to see or ears to hear what is happening around us, or when we think our hearts cannot bear anymore of what is happening. Too much change; too fast; too different; too hard… and they trouble us. But perhaps if we see these troubles as ways to allow us to become closer to the One Who hung the stars in the sky like diamonds laid out on a sheet of black velvet; the One Who created us from the dust and His very own breath… perhaps then this paradigm shift will help us become more of Who He wants us to be.

“Swim through your troubles. Run to the promises, they are our Lord’s branches hanging over the water so that His children may take a grip of them,” Samuel Rutherford tells us. God is there for us, ready to reach out and help in every time of need…  He is there in the future where we already live, whether we recognize that we do or not.   I will be your God... I made you and I will care for you.  Isaiah 46:4

What a wonderful promise! God says He will be there for us; as His creation, as those He loves, He has vowed to care for and be with His people. And whether we are going through tough times or great, He will always be there.

We are told in Scripture that He is there for us, and that trouble will not forever last:

Weeping may remain for a night, but rejoicing comes in the morning. Ps. 30:5

And the Lord God will wipe away tears from off all faces. Is. 25:8   We are told these things so that we remember Who is on our side. If we are on His side, we can know He is with us, watching over us, helping us become the people He designed us to be. We will make mistakes; we will have times of weeping; we will have times of pain… but through it all, He is there. He has a plan for us, here in the present future we are in and in the future of the future we will soon be in. and those plans are for our ultimate good. All we must do is trust and believe.

Sep 3, 2010

Downfall: Panic

When you think something bad has happened that hasn’t really occurred, what goes through your mind once you realize the truth of the matter?

Late last night, I had such an experience, and at first, I truly panicked. For a good two minutes. And then I realized I could make a simple phone call to find out the truth of the matter… all was just fine. As tears welled in my eyes at my gratefulness of knowing the truth, it hit me:

Don’t we all sometimes over-think or over-respond to something that doesn’t really even exist sometimes? Science tells us that the brain cannot differentiate between fantasy/ nightmare and reality in the emotional center it houses. And I did just that… I over-responded before checking for validation one way or the other about the situation going on.

I will admit: this is one of my downfalls sometimes. It is one of my imperfections. We all have them, I know, but this one… this is mine. I own up to it.

Nothing was wrong even though all signs pointed to tragedy. It was a computer malfunction that essentially erased someone I love off the planet. It was like, “poof” and gone. But in reality, all was fine other than a malfunctioning system. I stressed out for two minutes of my life over a computer malfunction. Not the first time… just the first time it was feeling life or death…

When we over-respond, over-think, over-do things without knowing the complete story, we waste time, effort, energy, and sometimes make bad decisions; decisions we otherwise wouldn’t make.

I’ve been working on this imperfection in myself, with God’s help and grace, for several years now. Over time, I have done this less and less…

If this is one of the things you need to work on, I highly recommend it. Your life will be better for it!

Sep 2, 2010

Choosing Roots

We all need roots of some kind. We find them in varying places... but there is ONE Root Who will remain healthy, strong, and able to nourish us throughout our journey here on earth.One of the best ways I've heard this particular root and plant language to discuss the fruit and health of our lives is tells us that:

If outward displays of service and compassion are the leafy foliage of a plant, the part you can see, touch, and point to, then our Christ identity is like the hidden roots that go down deep into the dark earth and hold it all up. Without the roots, the leafy plant dies.  ~ Wendy Blight

I read the above quote this morning as part of a blog (linked at name). Being a nature person, I totally connected with this and wanted to just share my own thoughts about it with you briefly. The image itself is very powerful and reminds me of the parables Jesus used to help His followers better understand kingdom principles. Life principles. Love principles. Life itself.

What do we know about Jesus the Root? Since He is where we gain our identity, it would be good to know... Isaiah 53:2 tells us... and the New Testament tells us as we look at His life in the context of His surroundings, relationships, lifestyle, and ministry.

With the eyes of faith, and the walk of faith, we can sink deeply into the soil that is the Spiritual Realm and know that Christ walks alongside and guides us. He is the root of that soil. He is the root of our life.

Some people seem to be more like Billy Joel when he says:
“I know I'm searching for something
Something so undefined
That it can only be seen
By the eyes of the blind
In the middle of the night.”

Others see their family as their root, or circumstances they are in. Other times, as in A Walk in the Clouds, there is something symbolically joining people together:

Don Pedro is talking with Paul out by the vine stub he brought with his to Las Nubes years prior, now a great grape plant...

This is the root I brought with me, a descendant from the root the first Pedro brought with him. All our vines come from this one. It's not just the root of Las Nubes. It's the root... of our lives, of Victoria's life. Now that you're a part of all this, a part of us, it is the root of your life. You are an orphan no longer.

Paul has to decide what he will do: choose the roots he already planted or gain new ones to grow from. He wasn't given much of a chance to grow at home; the situation he was with his wife in were shallow soil experiences. Would he dare aim to grow where he is accepted and challenged and able to grow? That was the decision, ultimately, he had to make. A decision about roots.

Sometimes others choose our roots for us, and we let them persuade us. And sometimes we must decide for ourselves, ignoring the crowd.

What, where, and who will you  sow your life into? Will you allow Jesus to be the root of your life, strong, sure, healthy and nourishing? Will you allow Him to help you grow into your potential?

Sep 1, 2010

Dreams Aren't Meant to be Trampled On

God has planted dreams in all of our hearts. He did not intend for our dreams to get trampled by our own busy feet.  ~Marybeth Whalen

Check it out. God DOES plant dreams in our hearts. GOD-sized dreams. Jesus-sized faith dreams. Myriad Blessing dreams. He’s given us dreams that will shatter the plans of the enemy and reach across the planet and change the hearts and lives of those around us.

Sometimes, though, we DO trample what He has given us. We don’t appreciate them sometimes, or we don’t realize that we really CAN live up to them. Sometimes we just don’t get why we have certain dreams… we just know they are there, and that’s that. But GOD has called us to dream dreams and to bless others and to have the faith of Christ… to have faith IN Christ… these are connected very much.

Have we laid aside our dreams… the GOD-sized dreams He has given us? Have we lost track of them or trampled on them? Neglected them?

It’s time to dream again. It’s time to soar on the wings of the Holy Ghost like an eagle soars on the wind as we work toward our dreams. Dreams are never fruitless unless we do abandon or misuse them. Dream GOD-sized dreams. As mentioned in an earlier blog, GOD-sized dreams aren’t always seen before we’re gone… many go into the future one, two, a hundred generations.

We’ll never know what God is going to do with our dreams if we don’t follow them…

Instead of being trampled, they should be raised up to Him, placed back into His hands and worked on together with Him as a team. Dreams cannot be accomplished solo. They always need teamwork to be fulfilled fully.

Be blessed by your dreams, and bless others by them. Give God the glory for their continued success as you walk toward them with Christ on your side.

This I challenge you… allow yourself to dream. Give that dream over to God and watch what He can do with it!

My Heart is Happy!

What does it take to make a merry heart? Where do you gain your pleasure, your joy, your heart happiness?

Yesterday I mentioned receiving a wonderful homemade card from a much beloved aunt and uncle... it's a great card... a card I'll cherish. And today, from my fiance, I received a poem for my birthday. A great poem, written with love and care and worded wonderfully. My heart is smiling exuberantly!!

Also, today, a cracked blind was replaced. Actually, it was brought over yesterday but was too long. All better now! This makes me happy. :)

For me, it's the small, uniquely done for me things that are beautiful jewels of thought, time, effort. Whether the person doing the deed is gifted at what they are gifting or not doesn't even matter. Thought really counts here!

Talk to me, folks...
What makes your heart HAPPY?
What makes YOUR heart happy?
What makes your HEART happy?