Aug 29, 2010

Dream GOD-Sized Dreams

There has been a trend in my life lately toward dreaming God-sized dreams.

For those of you familiar with the blog Heart to Heart with Holley, you’ve likely heard of this… but I actually didn’t see the postings she had on this topic until after an email conversation with my new friend in Christ, Lisa Marie. She and I met when I noticed she had written on the wall of someone we both admire, someone very gifted in the Spirit with the gift of prophecy, and I wrote her a note.

Dreams of pouring rain. Fiona rain. We’d been having these dreams, not knowing for sure what was coming, but the three of us (Lisa Marie, the gentleman in question, and I) had dreamed of and seen torrents of rain pouring down. This is what brought Lisa Marie and I together, and in her closing to the initial note… “Dream God sized dreams.” It was part of her signature, her sign-off…

And then later that day, I came across Holly’s blog, a wonderful blog. And I have heard it at least a couple of times since… so as a recurring theme for my week I wanted to share this admonition with you:

Dream God-sized dreams. His dreams are bigger than we could ever imagine. They are as deep, wide, and wonderful as His love is.

How do we do this?

We allow God to dream through us. We allow HIM to set the plans up; we seek His guidance in the steps we are to take in life, because He’s the One Who knows the whole story… beginning to end, inside out and from back to front.

Dream God-sized dreams.

DREAM, and let the dreams be God-sized.

Allow Him to DREAM through YOU.

If you’ve already dreamed God-sized dreams… what have you learned from them? What did God help you to understand? How were you blessed?

What was your God-sized dream?

What will be your next one?

Will you allow God to dream through you and in doing so, go above and beyond the dreams of your own heart into a place of larger than life blessings in Him?

I challenge you: Dream GOD-Sized Dreams…

God is omnipresent; everywhere. That’s a big God. That’s incomprehensibly huge. And He has dreams for us that are just as big… just as wonderful… just as awesome as we can imagine… any far beyond.

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