Oct 2, 2010

Prophecy and Prophetic Dreams

How many among us today have the gifts of prophecy and prophetic dreams. I am one... I have met a handful of others, but not many. I find this gift of the Spirit fascinating and would like to learn more about it; about prophecy in general.

Some of my own prophecies and prophetic dreams have been intense, to say the least. One night it might be a prophecy about someone I have never met, and the next about someone very close to me. I might be on the bus and have a word for someone or even have a phone number I don't know highlight in my mind with a message (honestly thankful this particular one doesn't show up often, introverted as I am).  And quite frankly, sometimes God uses this gift in me and I don't even realize it because I'm so used to it being there. I'm not sure if that is good or bad or just is, but it is.

For those of you out there with one or both of these gifts, talk to me. In what ways do you discern when to say something and when to keep silent? Where do you see God using your gift the most, if there is a specific area or people group or geography He is using you for?

What do you see through the lens God has given you?


  1. WOW!!! This is a tough one but I have learned through trial, error, and much pain, when and when not to say something. This was the hardest for me, because I would have a dream one night and the next day I would want to tell the person. I would also think that what He showed me was going to happen right away and what I've learned IS that some times it's not for a year or two or three from now!!! haha

    I started journaling my dreams. This way I would be able to keep track of dates, times, people and themes. I have found that God will CONFIRM the dreams a few times and this is when I know that I'm supposed to say something to the person. If I am unsure I will simply ask Him, "if you want me to tell them that, then show me this and I will."

    The hardest for me is when I don't know the person and my pride or fear steps in the way. I start thinking, are they going to think I'm crazy or weird??? This is when I just need to be obedient and trust God. I guess it comes down to I'd rather them think I'm crazy then miss out on what He has for me/them.

    I hope this helps! ;)

  2. Lisa,

    Thanks so much for your thoughtful reply. Yes, that has been the same as for me... trial and error and much prayer and much pain. I remember having one for a very young girl in my congregation several years ago that she would go on to become a very talented songstress but said it at the wrong time and recalled being pulled aside and scolded for it... that was, I think, among the toughest lessons in terms of a prophecy which didn't involve danger to someone. It seems that about a third of the prophecies I have been given have been danger or death related, which I know has to be at least as disturbing to the other as to me. I was so glad to have one that was wonderful that I spoke too soon and one of the pastors said that because it was too soon, this girl's lessons would be postponed and therefore the acknowledgment of her talent.

    I totally agree, after that experience, that confirmation is key. It doesn't mean my timing is always perfect but I know that God can still use it through this vessel of clay, love and willingness to serve.

    As for the "crazy" worry... I understand this one, too. One example being the one I shared with you recently RE: KW. Still waiting on the timing to come around again at this point having missed my window (or perhaps he read it and I don't know?).
