Dec 25, 2011

1 And Only Son of God, the Christ

An angel spoke to Zechariah that his wife, Elizabeth, would have a son, who would be the foreteller of the Christ.

An angel spoke to Mary and told her she would CARRY the SON OF GOD.

Her fiance, Joseph, was told to marry her is a dream by an angel, and assured it was indeed the son of GOD she bore in her womb, and not that of another man.

Taxation led Mary and Joseph to the manger where Jesus was born.

A star led wise men from the east.

Shepherds were treated to a heavenly choir.

Leaders in the region were threatened by this baby. This baby who was and IS the Son of God, the Messiah, the Christ, the LAMB OF GOD Who was, eventually, given over to shed His blood to cover our sins.

There is only ONE SAVIOR. There can only be ONE GOD. There could only be ONE virgin birth, and it was HIS, the birth of Jesus the Christ. Only ONE could be fully MAN and fully GOD. A mystery, yes, but a truth deeper than the oceans' fathoms.

This Christmas, it is the birth of this special, one-of-a-kind GOD-MAN BABY that we celebrate. It is a time of year to reflect on all God has done for us, and all we can do for Him. It is a time to be humble before the Lord of lords and King of kings, bowing down before Him as those who came before Him as a child, and

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