Dec 20, 2011

6 Things to Ponder

When Jesus Christ came into the world, it was said that Mary PONDERed everything that was going on in her heart. We were given the gift of PONDERING. We can look back on all we've learned and experienced, and on all God did in Christ, and PONDER them. We can have both hindsight and foresight this way.

If we look at The Magnificat (Luke 1:46-55; Douay-Rheims Version), we read:

My soul doth magnify the Lord.
And my spirit hath rejoiced in God my Saviour.
Because he hath regarded the humility of his handmaid;
for behold from henceforth all generations shall call me blessed.
Because he that is mighty,
hath done great things to me;
and holy is his name.
And his mercy is from generation unto generations,
to them that fear him.
He hath shewed might in his arm:
he hath scattered the proud in the conceit of their heart.
He hath put down the mighty from their seat,
and hath exalted the humble.
He hath filled the hungry with good things;
and the rich he hath sent empty away.
He hath received Israel his servant,
being mindful of his mercy:
As he spoke to our fathers,
to Abraham and to his seed for ever.
There's just something serene and wonderful about this prayer of praise, and we have been given the gift of reading it, as well as praying our own praises to God for all He has done in our lives. Today, PONDER in your heart all God has done. He has done great things!!

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