Sep 1, 2010

Dreams Aren't Meant to be Trampled On

God has planted dreams in all of our hearts. He did not intend for our dreams to get trampled by our own busy feet.  ~Marybeth Whalen

Check it out. God DOES plant dreams in our hearts. GOD-sized dreams. Jesus-sized faith dreams. Myriad Blessing dreams. He’s given us dreams that will shatter the plans of the enemy and reach across the planet and change the hearts and lives of those around us.

Sometimes, though, we DO trample what He has given us. We don’t appreciate them sometimes, or we don’t realize that we really CAN live up to them. Sometimes we just don’t get why we have certain dreams… we just know they are there, and that’s that. But GOD has called us to dream dreams and to bless others and to have the faith of Christ… to have faith IN Christ… these are connected very much.

Have we laid aside our dreams… the GOD-sized dreams He has given us? Have we lost track of them or trampled on them? Neglected them?

It’s time to dream again. It’s time to soar on the wings of the Holy Ghost like an eagle soars on the wind as we work toward our dreams. Dreams are never fruitless unless we do abandon or misuse them. Dream GOD-sized dreams. As mentioned in an earlier blog, GOD-sized dreams aren’t always seen before we’re gone… many go into the future one, two, a hundred generations.

We’ll never know what God is going to do with our dreams if we don’t follow them…

Instead of being trampled, they should be raised up to Him, placed back into His hands and worked on together with Him as a team. Dreams cannot be accomplished solo. They always need teamwork to be fulfilled fully.

Be blessed by your dreams, and bless others by them. Give God the glory for their continued success as you walk toward them with Christ on your side.

This I challenge you… allow yourself to dream. Give that dream over to God and watch what He can do with it!

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