Dec 22, 2011

4 Parts Patience

When God came to earth as a baby in the form of Jesus Christ, it was a long-awaited, wonderful gift. It was a gift of reward for PATIENCE through many generations. And then, when Jesus was here, the planet needed still more PATIENCE until He went to the cross, where the Word says the earth and humanity wait together now for the fulfillment of the promise of eternal salvation and rest.

Jesus also had PATIENCE. He was perhaps the most patient person there was, for though totally divine, He was also totally human. There never was before nor has there been since nor will there ever be another person like Jesus, no matter how hard some might try. And when He comes to the earth again on the last day, who will He find that has been patient and faithful to Him?

Patience was and still is a gift, even when we don't necessarily see it that way. In what ways has being patient- on purpose or due to circumstance - been a blessing to you in the long run?

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