Sep 23, 2010

You Are His Glittering Gold

You are the gold glittering before God's eyes; His treasure. There is no treasure like you on earth or in heaven like you, for you have been made unique in His sight. You are more than just gold: you are made in His image, and He sent His Son to die for you so you might live.

If we are to open our eyes to the things God sees, we open them to the reality that every human life - regardless of what choices were made from or regarding it - is worth something to God. From Hitler to Mother Teresa, from St. Francis of Assisi to Gandhi to Ward Weaver, we were all made with a purpose. Some chose to fulfill them; others didn't. That is part of our free will.

What we do with our lives, ultimately, is up to us. The choices we make fall on us. The better our choices, the better the outcome in the end. And God is hoping we make those better choices for our own sakes, because He DOES love us so dearly. He loves us with the most costly love there is... and the most real.

Gold only glitters more and more as it is refined. If you allow your life to be refined through the process of fire we all go through instead of fighting it, you will glitter more at the end than you can imagine.

We are gifts from God to one another and gifts back to God of ourselves. What kind of gift do YOU want to be?

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