Sep 3, 2010

Downfall: Panic

When you think something bad has happened that hasn’t really occurred, what goes through your mind once you realize the truth of the matter?

Late last night, I had such an experience, and at first, I truly panicked. For a good two minutes. And then I realized I could make a simple phone call to find out the truth of the matter… all was just fine. As tears welled in my eyes at my gratefulness of knowing the truth, it hit me:

Don’t we all sometimes over-think or over-respond to something that doesn’t really even exist sometimes? Science tells us that the brain cannot differentiate between fantasy/ nightmare and reality in the emotional center it houses. And I did just that… I over-responded before checking for validation one way or the other about the situation going on.

I will admit: this is one of my downfalls sometimes. It is one of my imperfections. We all have them, I know, but this one… this is mine. I own up to it.

Nothing was wrong even though all signs pointed to tragedy. It was a computer malfunction that essentially erased someone I love off the planet. It was like, “poof” and gone. But in reality, all was fine other than a malfunctioning system. I stressed out for two minutes of my life over a computer malfunction. Not the first time… just the first time it was feeling life or death…

When we over-respond, over-think, over-do things without knowing the complete story, we waste time, effort, energy, and sometimes make bad decisions; decisions we otherwise wouldn’t make.

I’ve been working on this imperfection in myself, with God’s help and grace, for several years now. Over time, I have done this less and less…

If this is one of the things you need to work on, I highly recommend it. Your life will be better for it!

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