Sep 7, 2010

No Jewel Can Compare

As part of one of the online birthday cards someone sent me yesterday, there was this message: You are God's special treasure. He admires and polishes you with His loving care. No jewel can compare with the beauty He has placed inside of you. Always remember that He loves you and created you for His glory.

I must admit this was a surprise, coming from the person who sent it; it shouldn’t have been… she is part of my given family; part of my family of origin… but it was.

This is something we all need to hear, though, isn’t it? We can all use a reminder that God, in His great love and care for us as individuals, treasures us and never compares us with anyone one else in our lives. We might compare one another or compare ourselves to others, but God, in His great wisdom and love sees each of us as we are: our perfections, imperfections, our hopes, dreams, our attitudes, gratitudes, all of it.Every nuance of who we are individually, God knows about and everything wonderful about us comes from Him. We wouldn’t be here without Him, and we wouldn’t be who we are without His love, care, and “polishing.”

God wants to remind you that He treasures you far above the value we mare humans can place on anything in our lives. He wants to remind you that you are deeply, wonderfully, admiringly loved and that He will never compare you to another of His creations. You are unique. You are made especially to be to glorify Him. You are made in His image, be you male or female. Your very creation has glorified Him, and that is what you were created for: to glorify Him.

I was touched by these words more than I might have been a year ago. These words that came at a time when I am focusing on jewels within people and within quotes; jewels… things which we can cherish. People we can cherish. Jewels. Treasures from God. Jewels. Blessings. Jewels.

The words came from someone who in recent weeks has said some very hurtful things, but who has also, for the first time in my recollection, said that she was wrong about what she said; about the attitude she had toward something that was happening in my life; in the life of another loved one of mine. And at no other time have I respected her more as when she used those words “I’m sorry. I was wrong.” At no other time when she has apologized has it come across as authentically as it did that day a few weeks ago. So, at no other time do the words I quoted above mean as much. They mean more than she can ever know… the combination of these two sets of words. And I hope that one day she will read this and have some idea of their impact.

Every person is a jewel. Every person.That was what God intended: to help us see we are His precious treasures, just as His Word and He Himself are meant to be OUR precious treasures.

We don’t always act like jewels, though, do we? We forget that we are precious. That we are worth something to Someone greater than we are; Someone Who loves us no matter what, Who forgives us no matter what, Who turns things around for good for those who love and follow Him.

There are parables that speak of our jeweled-ness. The parables of the lost coin, lost sheep, and prodigal son. Parables that show just how celebrated and cared for and loved we are, individually, and how forgiving God the Father is when we come to Him and say we need Him, we love Him, we want Him in our lives, we were wrong, we have made mistakes, but that we love Him and wish to be part of His life, part of what He is doing in the world.

You are a precious jewel in the eyes of God. Nobody and nothing can compare to you in His sight. You are an original. Not a copy of anyone else in all of history. And to copy another is to say, in essence, God; I’m not so sure you made me right.

It took me a while to understand this one. I used to compare myself to others and think, why her? Why them? Sometimes this was talent I wish I had; other times, it might have been someone’s lovely hair or gorgeous eyes or their fine handwriting. But then I got to thinking… had I those things, those gifts and looks, I wouldn’t be who God made me to be anymore. Had I gone out and had surgery to aim to be someone I am not.. I wouldn’t be who God created me to be; I would be attempting to perfect a jewel that, in God’s eyes, is already beautiful and wonderfully made.

You, reader, are incomparable.

You were made with a purpose, on purpose, for the glory of God.

You were created by God and He sees you as His very precious and special gem, His treasure, His jewel.

You are perfect as you are… imperfections and all.

Are you willing to take a deeper look into your own heart and ask yourself if you believe, truly believe the love God has for you? Willing to look deep down and ask yourself if you can accept yourself as God made you?

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