May 16, 2012


Si deve conoscere la verità e la verità vi sarà liberi.
ותדע את האמת, ולהגדיר האמת יהיה לך חינם.
You shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free.

Jesus once said, You shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free.
He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life; the Light, the Rock of our Salvation, Living Love Divine, our Peace, the Alpha and Omega, Beginning and End.

Truth is a PERSON.
Truth is a WAY to WALK, a PATH to take.
Truth... is not the same as fact. Something can be a fact and not be truth; it cannot ever be truth without being factual on some level.

Some people speak of "personal truths" - what works for you doesn't work for me because it's "your" truth, but not mine. But deep down, we know that isn't true. That's a cop out. It's saying, I know what's right but for me, this is what I choose to do so I will call it truth. Isn't it?

Tell me the truth. Don't just give me dry facts.

Give me truth.
Jesus is TRUTH.
Give me Jesus.

I challenge you, reader, to distinguish TRUTH from fact... Not just fact from fiction. And one way to find truth is to look deep into the recesses of who you are... past what others think of you. Past what others say about you or what you perceive they want you to be. Past your past... past your present. Look until you see who you were created to be: created as a child of the one and only Living God. Created for great things. Created to know TRUTH. Created for beauty, for good, for love. Created for relationship. Created for God's good pleasure as His child. YOU, dear reader... have the opportunity to KNOW and LOVE the Creator of the universe, the One Who put you here on planet earth for SUCH A TIME AS THIS. There is a reason for you being here. For being now. For being where you are today. Behind EVERYTHING is a reason. And that reason is LOVE.

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