Apr 30, 2010

Time and Love

Chronos and Kairos

Chronos. Tick tock...
Follow the clock
From yesterday
Into tomorrow.
No true archaic
Understanding. Our
Intuitive, our highly
Creative, our sub-
sea thoughts and
Actions are never
Here, in chronos.
Kairos... moments
That define, that change,
That are remembered.
Times of the spirit,
Of the soul, of relation-
ship and grace and art.
Kairos is being time,
rather than being in time.
It is being the moment,
Breathing life into
The moment, and being.

Life Goes On

As fog rolls upon the shore
And drifts along the valley floor,
As mist twirls and swirls
Around the hills like great curls
Upon the head of the earth,
And the mighty ocean laps
Upon the shores in anger, in mirth,
To the whimsy of Sir Moon;
As birds cry out in afternoon
And butterflies wing
And children swing,
Bridegroom and bride exchange their vows
And newlyweds buy their first house
And births are birthed
And ruins, unearthed,
Boy is meeting girl
And leaf does unfurl
And life goes on
To the rhyme and tune
Of nature, of love,
July through to June,
Like a never-ending lawn
Of time, of space, from above
As fog rolls upon the shore
And drifts along the valley floor...
Life, indeed, goes on.


Like the delicate webwork of lace
Or the opulent exquisiteness
Created by the silkworm;
Like the intricacy of butterflies’ wing boxes
Rounded over with precious stones
Or the beautiful beadwork
Of artisans from across the globe…
So should life be cherished;
So should life be loved and cared for;
So should lover and beloved
Give care to each other, always.
For life is delicate…
It is exquisitely made;
Life is beautiful
And the Great Artisan
Has blessed us each to be
A unique treasure in this world.
Those who find and appreciate
The treasures we are;
Who know a good thing when seen
Understand what the man who found
The pearl of great price had ascertained…
That some things are worth more than everything
Because some things are priceless…

The Lacework of Time

The shimmerescent, glimmerescent
Iridescent luminescence of love...
Shy glimmerings and broad beamings,
Special moments, glad ponderments,
Choosing open interwovenness over
Hidden, not so hidden brokenness;
Choosing cherishment and tenderness over
Sooth-saying self and smarmy
Sharp-sayings, barb-laden.
Choosing beautiful imperfection
With heart-warming connection
Over discombobulated disconnect.

The shimmerescent, glimmerescent
Iridescent luminescence of love...
Glimmerings and beamings,
Moments and ponderments,
Interwovenness learned
Through the lacework of time
And relationship;
Cherishment and tenderness,
Understanding forgiveness
Choosing beautiful imperfection.

Not for the faint of heart.

What is it about love and time? What is it about them that calls so deeply to us? They intertwine so gently, yet forcefully. They weave together to create our experience and our life.

Take a moment. Think about it: love and time are what God gave us to utilize as the gifts we can share with others, and are among the most precious gifts He has given to us. We know not how long ANYONE has... and so He gives us, gifts us with, time and love. With love and time. With a time to love. With love, for He is Love and eternity, time included, rests in His hands...

Just... think about it. And consider what you have done with these gifts. Do you utilize them to the full, or squander them? Do you take advantage of them, or acknowledge them for the precious gifts they are?

Love and time; time and love. Gifts both. May we embrace them!

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