Oct 13, 2010

When Life Kicks You in the Arse... Sometimes It's Helpful Not to Kick Back

Sometimes life takes twists and turns that are unexpected. For me, today was one of those days. I will be stronger for it in time... and I refuse to lower my standards, priorities, calling, or anything else to kick back.

How we respond to the things that life brings, or that our decisions bring, says a lot about us. I am resolving to learn everything I can out of what has happened.

The joy of the miners in Chile who were all brought to the surface in less than 24 hours is a testament to God's faithfulness. Every other miracle that has happened, no matter the size... from the birth of a flower to the rescue of a cat to the rescue of 33 miners half a mile below the surface of the earth... is a testament to His goodness, grace, mercy, and love.

How we respond matters. I choose to respond without kicking back.

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