Oct 11, 2010

Chilean Miners' Rescue... An Angel Wing Moment

As I type this, the miners who have been trapped half a mile under the ground in Chile at what is now called Camp Hope are being rescued, one by one, slowly. But the miracle is that they have remained alive since August 5th, when they were first trapped and that now, October 12th, the first of the 33 (34th below they say and I believe full-heartedly is GOD) are being brought to the surface.

As I type this there are 31 left waiting with God in the wings. Thirty-one miners whose families have been waiting, whose loved ones and the world have been waiting with bated breath to surface. And we KNOW that we KNOW that God can do this. He has done it before in history... rescued people in dire straights, created what we see as miracles. All of life, all that is good is a miracle. But sometimes it takes more than what IS a miracle for people to SEE a miracle. And this is one of those times.

As I type this, it has been 2 hours and 15 minutes since the beginning of the rescue. There will be a lot of transition and transformation in the lives of the survivors... these brave and wonderful mining men who have learned what life truly is all about. These men who are a reminder to US of what life is really about. The important things in life aren't what can be bought with money, though sometimes there are nice things to be bought. They aren't what can be voted for, though sometimes voting makes us feel we are "receiving" nice things. The important thing in life is life itself; it is loved ones; it is our calling in Christ; it is loving people and being there for them through EVERYTHING, no matter what happens. It is making sure we are there to serve others and not just to be served. It is LIFE. It is GOD'S WAY.

I have read that the goal is to bring up one miner an hour until they are all on the surface. An admirable and worthy goal that we are all watching to see what happens with.

As someone who opted out of having a television now is one of the few times I wish I had one. This is a moment that will stay with us if we allow it to... this PRAYERFUL BATED BREATH. This angel wing moment... this moment where anything is possible and we instinctively, intuitively KNOW that we KNOW that we KNOW it. And that is the attitude we can have all the time if we allow ourselves to.

We can learn a lot from this... not just in terms of geography or what the media can share or about geology, but about God and about ourselves. This is an angel wing moment... a moment we know ANYTHING can happen. We wait with bated breath and sigh with relief at every good piece of news.

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