Jun 25, 2013

Coaching Query Time

What are you tolerating?

What can you do about it?

Sometimes, the things we are tolerating just need to be fixed, and other times, we need to shift our perspectives in order to accept them. Each toleration will depend on the circumstance of its self. We can change by choice.

Is the toleration something within yourself? Is it something as simple as a button that needs sewn back on, or a leaky faucet? Or is it something about another person?

In these instances, the first two are your responsibility, should you so choose, to do something about. The third is not. Maybe you can talk to someone about a behavior, but ultimately that is up to them. If their answer is NO, I will not change, then it is time to shift our paradigms to include this as a fact, at least for the moment, and something we will no longer allow ourselves frustration over.

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