Feb 24, 2011

Fish and Falling Snow

This morning, I was pleasantly surprised by falling snow; snow that stuck around for a little while, even though it wasn't a lot of it. I took photos, wrote poetry, then it began to melt. By 10 AM, it was half-gone, and by now, there are barely any traces left.
Yesterday there was snow three times and a good little hailing as I worked at a friend's place to tidy things in her yard. Nothing stuck but the cleaning that got done. Then later, leaving my growth group, it was once more snowing yet not sticking.
Today was the second time anything has stuck all winter where I live, while many others around the city have seen it several times. I guess I just chose a great place to live for those who don't like snow. Thing is, I'm one of the people who enjoy it tremendously, so... as cocks crowed and crows cawed and cars crunched through the silently falling field of white this morning I was thankful. Thankful that though there wasn't much snow, there WAS some. Thankful that there was enough to whet the appetites of those of us who enjoy it but not so much that people couldn't get around or that they missed work because of an overload of it.
I got to thinking how much I enjoy snow but also about some of the other seasons' delights... below is a poem I wrote a few years ago during one such moment of delight...


Ripples criss-cross
The waters of the slow river
Trout and salmon jump
In loops through the air
The light gleaming off
Of their iridescent skins,
Catching rainbows
Momentarily, into the air,
Surrounded by the ripples
Of splash-down as the
Trout and the salmon
Continue on their way.

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