Nov 18, 2010


Sometimes we just have to rebuild part or all of our life. Sometimes we do this proactively, while other times, re-actively. What is it about rebuilding life that  is challenging to you? What about it is exciting?

When we rebuild based on good decisions, it can still be a little scary... but the effort is worth it when we stick to what we know is right and follow our hearts as well as what we know God would have us do.

In my own life, I am rebuilding proactively. Removing some of the extraneous, adding some of the wonderful and the necessary, trusting God with the results. Others I know are doing the same, in their own ways. And in time, the changes that seem small will show a new big picture to those around us that, if they are FOR us, they will cheer rather than boo. But even when people boo, as they do when they have figured out that something they once knew is now different, when the decision is right, the boo shouldn't matter to us anymore. We can find hoorays elsewhere, if needed, if only from ourselves at first.

Do you or someone you know need to rebuild all or part of life? If so, will it be reactive, or proactive building?

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