May 11, 2010

A Rose By Any Other Name... Would Smell Less Sweet... Unless It's Honey

Have you heard the saying, a rose by any other name would smell as sweet?

Thing is... that isn't true.

Let me explain...

All names have meaning; whether it is a banana, a barbecue sauce, or a baby... it has a name. And that name has a meaning. WORDS are powerful. What we call one another, and what we call our LIVES... these things shape us. They shape our futures and who we become.

If instead of naming your daughter Rose you name her Ingrid (both lovely names) that says more about her father than about her. It shows her father is her hero or that she is supposed to think so. Rose, this is a name after the flower and the connotations that come with it remain. Sweet but most of them have at least one or two thorns in their lifetimes. Ingrid means Hero's Daughter. This is nothing about her own personality which then, hopefully, will be in her middle name to help guide her.

Words have meaning. 
Names have meaning. 
ALL of life has meaning. YOU have meaning. 
Who ARE you and what is your gift to the world around you? 
How can you UTILIZE it for good??

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