Mar 3, 2010

Love Like There's No Tomorrow...

In order to really love someone you must love him as though he was going to die tomorrow.  ~Arabian Proverb

How do we show the people we love that we love them? Do we passionately appreciate them each day as though it is the last, reminding ourselves it very well may be? Or do we just... accept that they're there, possibly even take advantage of that fact or expect that things will forever be as they are?

To love from the heart, to love passionately, the people in our lives is a calling. To love them as though either YOU or THEY were going to die and this moment, this second might be the last... that this hello or goodbye or I love you might be the last... that is to show them how much they are loved.

People need to know they are loved... whether they are across the table or across many miles or even many countries away, they need to know they are loved.

I try to make it a point in my own life to share with people the appreciation, love, respect, and honor I have for them every time I think of it. I never know whether I will ever see or hear from them again, because I don't know God's plans for their life... or for mine, for that matter... in a deep enough way that I can know that I know I will see them again tomorrow. That I will hear their voice or feel their hug or get a reply on email from them tomorrow... or ever again.

Sometimes it doesn't take a death for this to happen. People drift apart for many reasons... siblings, parents and children, old friends, former roommates... people drift apart. And yes, people die. We all will at some point, like it or not. And only God truly knows the moment He will take each of us... it is a rare thing to know ahead of time the precise moment. I know of only one person who did, and they were correct.

So I challenge you...
love the people in your life deeply, and love them as if they will  die tomorrow. Or as if YOU will. Either could be true. God has His eye on all of us and knows what we all need... who we all need... when we will all part ways in whatever means it will happen. HE is the only true permanence in life... and HE is LOVE.

We all need love. It is a human essential.
How are we showing it??

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