Feb 10, 2012

Mi Valentine

Almost Valentine's Day, and while I'm not looking for one this year and have had 3 offers, I'm going to allow the reader to be my Valentine, instead...

Valentine's Day was named after a saint who, it is told, loved the daughter of the king but was sentenced to die because of his faith in Jesus Christ. He wrote a letter and asked the guard to give it to her upon his death... THAT is love in one word picture that is poserful!

Jesus' sacrifice on the CROSS... that was another, even more potent and powerful word picture of love... real love... in action.

In other words... there is love, and there is LOVE. And both are wonderful, in their own ways. :) So, however you celebrate, and whomever you celebrate with... have a wonderful Valentine's Day, Mi Valentine...

Sending love to the special people in my life...

All photos on this post courtesy of WeHeartIt.com

Feb 1, 2012

Welcome, February!

It's officially February, and I welcome it. January was a month of many changes and challenges, which bring growth, even when its difficult.

February brings thoughts of love and joy to those who welcome them, embrace them, allow them into their lives. While it is good to share these with others year-round, day in and day out, there's something about Valentine's Day that brings the romantic out in some people, which is great.

February is also Black History Month, which helps us remember the importance of learning, not from ANY biased viewpoint, but from wide sources and to then allow it to sift through us and teach us all we are open to gaining new understandings from.

At church, there'll be the Souper Bowl on Super Bowl day... a chili and soup potluck of sorts that raises funds for the youth group and brings a lot of smiles.

Who knows what else is in store for the month? Take time to plan some fun, some growing time, some time to be one on one with God and with loved ones. Plan to be blessed, and to bless!