It's time to RAK today!
How often do we spread Random Acts of Kindness? Do we share RAK as often as we could? And what is our intent when we share them?
I challenge you today... to rack up the RAKs! How many can you rack up in a week, from the heart?
When I took my Ethics class with Dr. Williams a few years ago, we did an exercise that has stuck with me. We carried around an invisible "clicker," and whenever we said, thought, or acted out of love toward someone, we clicked, and counted them up through the day. The CATCH was that whenever an act, thought, or word was NOT from love, the counter went back to zero on the clicker we were invisibly utilizing.
I still do this exercise today... I aim to do so at least once a quarter to help monitor my attitude and how I am interacting with others, even when they aren't aware of it. And while this might not be an exercise for everyone, it is an interesting concept.
Clicker or not, I challenge you... to spread RAKs this today... this weekend... or even for a week.
Notice how others respond; notice their body language and the way they interact as you interact kindly, from the heart, with them. What's different from your everyday interaction? Do any areas of your life, or relationships, get better? How have they improved? How could they continue to improve?